It's not really a serious problem for your health, but it can make you feel tired, depressed and irritable. It can also make it hard to concentrate during the day.Is insomnia a serious problem?
im having difficulties sleeping at night this few weeks..maybe because i have sooooo many thoughts in mind make it hard for me to get a good sleep..cannot sleep at night sumtimes irritates,once again i browse through the net and i found a treatment for insomnia..
- Avoid or limit your use of caffeine (coffee, tea, sodas, chocolate), decongestants, alcohol and tobacco.
- Exercise more often, but don't exercise within a few hours before going to bed.
- Learn to reduce or manage the stress in your life.
- Don't lie in bed worrying about things. Set aside another time just for worrying. For example, spend 30 minutes after dinner writing down what's worrying you and what you can do about it.
- Try eating a light snack before going to bed, but don't eat too much right before bedtime. A glass of warm milk or some cheese and crackers may be all you need.
- Don't nap during the day if naps seem to make your insomnia worse.
till then..

1 comment:
saya seorang mangsa insomnia yang teruk!
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